
Showing posts from July, 2024

The Engineer vs Torbjörn (Team Fortress vs Overwatch)

  Intro “Scientists investigate that which already is; Engineers create that which has never been.” -Albert Einstein Dell Conagher, the Engineer of Team Fortress. Torbjörn Lindholm, Overwatch’s long time armorer. The builders. The inventors. These two short, genius creators play the role of area denial and point defense, but if they fought, who would come out on top? Will Torbjörn’s defenses prove insurmountable, or will Engineer show him how it's done Texas style? Before we start… Basically everything official, games, comics, shorts and such with some odd secondary materials here and there. What? Not every preamble has to be several paragraphs. Background Engineer “I solve practical problems.” The year was 1850. Wealthy business owner and founder of Mann Co. Zepheniah Mann is convinced by his sons, Redmond and Blutarch, to buy vast swathes of land in the United States. He arrived to find the land was worthless, only to pass on and leave his two sons the worthless land. This woul